Sisters Phoebe and Annette Stephens are the talented designers behind Anndra Neen. The level of artistry their pieces possess should come as no surprise considering their lineage: their father, Luis Stephens was a well-known painter in Mexico City, Conlon Nancarrow, their grandfather, was a progressive Mexican composer, and their grandmother, Annette Nancarrow, was in her time a jewelry designer as well, creating statement pieces for the likes of Anais Nin, Frida Kahlo, and Peggy Guggenheim to name a few.
French medieval armor, ancient Egypt,Tilda Swinton, Iris Apfel, Dario Argento films, and traditional Mexican textiles are just a few of the things (and people) that inspired their latest work, which is all painstakingly hammered out at their studio in New York.
Check out the collaboration they did recently with TenOverSix Shoes (shown above).